Ninja Gaiden question

Discussion about MARP's regulation play

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Ninja Gaiden question

Post by aa »

Hi, I plan on beating BBH's Ninja Gaiden high score, but need to ask a question first (I'm new to this place). The question is, am I allowed to die? I can easily beat the game without dying, yet would get more points if I died and had to redo parts of levels. Are you allowed to die, and are you disqualified if you do? If you are allowed to die, should we make a separate list for those who didn't die, as I am pretty confident I would stand alone at the top of it.

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Post by mahlemiut »

Shouldn't be too much of a problem, especially as I don't think Ninja Gaiden awards extras through points (but I could be wrong). The only area that could be problematic is round 4 (I think) where there are enemies that come out of water. The problem there is that when the enemies reach the edge of the water and disappear, you get 300 points for it. Effectively, you can do nothing, and gain quite a fair amount of points.
- Barry Rodewald
MARP Assistant Web Maintainer
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