Multiplayer Goodness

Discussion about MARP's regulation play

Moderator: BBH

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Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
MARP Knight
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Multiplayer Goodness

Post by Mr. Kelly R. Flewin »

Noting the popularity of Kaillera, and the mention of teams as of late... do you think anyone would object to the idea of a tournament, where we paired up with someone and tackled a few multiplayer games? I mean it'd be kind of a pain to a degree as Judges would have to view both inp's to ensure they're the same game recorded/played... but things could get interesting. I mean we may end up seeing higher scores with 2 players combined then single player. I recall there being something on Twin Galaxies for Wizard of Wor, hence this idea...

Wizard Of Wor
Giga Wing
D&D: Tower Of Doom

Just thoughts...

Or would such an idea possibly cause problems in the future with regulation play because people may think because we allowed this for a tournament, we may allow this for the regular gaming [which would not be the case]?

Just throwing out ideas that popped up
Just a gaming junkie looking for his next High Score fix.
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