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The ultimate in video game antique lameness

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2001 12:30 pm
by Gameboy9
I was at an antique store today. I found an asteroids deluxe game... like 700 dollars. Perfect I wager.<p>

That wasn't the stupid part though. The stupid part is this: There is a Ms. Pac-Man... title... on the top of the machine. Then there's pacman stuff below that. The actual game was Pac-Man Plus, with some weird graphics glitches of pacman and ms. pacman alternating frame by frame. Ms. Pac-Man spins when either of the two die. I'm guessing that's a graphics glitch.


The price? $600. What they claim? They think it's actually twice as much.


Does anybody think I'm crazy? GB9


Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2001 12:30 pm
by ozz
...only if you bought it :)
