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re: "What to do when TG settings can't be found"

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 1999 12:30 pm
by Angry
This is in response to Steve Krogmans posting regarding TG settings that can't be found... Steve makes a very good explanation of how the TG settings are derived, and gives some insight as to how a player can make a limited judgement on their own. My only concern is at the end of his message, where Steve says:

<em>If any player has a question about a setting for a particular game they can e-mail me and I will figure out the correct setting for the game and then confirm it with Walter Day to see if it will be an official setting to add to his archive.</em>


Considering that Mark Longridge is the official Twin Galaxies judge for all MAME emulation game scores, shouldn't we be running these questions through Mark? I'm sure both Steve (being the official TG judge for PC games), and Walter (doing *everything* that he does), have better things to do.


Just my $.02... =Angry=


Posted: Tue Jan 26, 1999 12:30 pm
by stephen krogman
Thanks Angry for the $.02.. :) Mark Longridge has done an
exceptional job in helping create the TG settings page for what it is
today. Allthough there are a few games unfortunately I have to
dissagree on as far as the settings are concerned, and figured this
is where I would gladly help a player when in question on the
settings for a particular game. A good example (I'm sure Angry will
back me up on this one) is on the game Donkey Kong 3. According to
Mark's TG settings page, he only allows 3 men to start (which is
perfectly fine) but only 1 more man and no extra's thereafter?! I'm
sorry, but if anyone has ever played this game like Angry and myself
have, you too will see that getting a score of 2.1M or 1.9M (in the
TG book) with just 4 men is extremely hard to believe! We both used
the default settings for this game but honestly, we probably could of
bumbed up the extra men awarded from 30K to maybe 40K which would of
put the settings somewhere in the middle like I mentioned yesterday.
Also, if you visit his TG setting page, and want to look up the
settings for most of the Williams games, you will only see the
settings for "Tournement" mode, NOT "Marathon" (default) mode. Mark
doesn't believe in the Marathon settings or "playing forever" which
in some instances I can understand, but I think we should give the
player the opportunity to submit a score on the default settings as
there are many many scores in the TG book to compare with these such
settings. The book has 2 score lists for most of the Williams games
and a few others (Q*bert, Missle Command, Star Wars and Star Trek) I
will be talking to Walter in the next few days about possibly adding
another 2nd list of scores for these games for tournement settings
(Centipede, Millipede, Asteroids, Asteroids Deluxe, Mr. Do, Gyruss,
and Galaga) Reason being is because all of these games do not have
an inevitable end can be played for ever. It would also be
interesting to see what players can do with 5 men on these games and
no extra men awarded.


Steve Krogman


Posted: Wed Jan 27, 1999 12:30 pm
by Randood
On the DK3 TG scores. Just for fun I checked the TG listing at the
TG mainsite and Mark's page. The TG main site's settings page
doesn't list any settings for DK3 but Mark's page does (of course,
it's the settings listed). If that phenomenal score was created on
an arcade game and not on an emulated version then my guess is it was
done on default settings at an arcade. And I agree, the score seems
near impossible to beat, even on default settings.


I apologize if I'm way off base here as I do not yet own the TG book.
I would like to know if it lists M.A.M.E. scores/settings or not. I
plan on getting the book mid-feb.




Posted: Wed Jan 27, 1999 12:30 pm
by Angry
Actually, with regards to the Donkey Kong 3 score, I believe that a
score of 2.1 million is achievable based on 1 extra life at 30,000 (or
whatever points level).


DK3 only increases its difficulty level up to the point that I am now
reaching in the game. After this, the game only present 1 of 5
different attack patterns, which can be easily learned.


While I agree that the 2.1 million score was likely achieved with the
game awarding repeated extra lives (whatever the factory defaults were
set to), the fact that the score would not be possible without the
additional extra lives had not entered my mind.


Posted: Thu Jan 28, 1999 12:30 pm
by stephen krogman
Randood, The first edition of the TG book did in fact have a list of
mame scores that were published at the last minute before the book
went into being pressed. Mame at that time was still very new so
there weren't too many scores and none of them came from Chris's
page. All of them came from Mark's page. The settings weren't
listed probably because you could research the game's settings in the
arcade section to see what the setting was for that particular game
because almost all of the games on mame compared to the arcade ver.
were close to near perfect. I'm going to talk to Walter Day tomorrow
and recommend he add a section in the book to have every possible
game's settings he can get. The only other place to find settings
that didn't make it into the book by the deadline, was put on his web
page and has been growing (between Walter and Mark) to this day. I
think in the next week or two, I will be generating a page for
settings as well on the games that haven't been noted yet between
Marks page and Walters page. Also, by working in the gaming
industry, it helps when it comes down to finding out the settings on
a particular game. Especially the newer one's that probably won't
make it to mame for a few more years! :) Steve Krogman


Posted: Thu Jan 28, 1999 12:30 pm
by Angry

It seems redundant to create yet another reference page for TG
settings to be used within MAME. Since Mark has already created a
list, why not work with him to fill in the blanks, instead of
creating what could be a conflicting list of game settings?


Posted: Thu Jan 28, 1999 12:30 pm
by Krool
as far as tg settings go, alot of tg settnigs for games are defaults,
example ghosts n goblins, exedexes...and ,lots more...


when mark gets a full list of tg settings, post em on marp in the
rules section and hell, ill submit some more to him :) alot of mine
(and others) whooopass some of the scores on marks page already :)


and yeah, i hope a co-op will work sweet in the future for inp's (no,
not with dave!)




Posted: Sat Jan 30, 1999 12:30 pm
by stephen krogman
Angry, True. I probably don't have to contribute another list as
Mark and Walter allready have one going for some time now. What I
will do though, is contribute help as far as settings go for alot of
the newer games found in the arcade that haven't made it to mame yet.
I don't think Mark or Walter will want to go searching for TG
settings for Time Crisis 2... Also, There are now over 1,000 games
available to mame. I don't think Mark will end up going to every
game to log down settings to add to his list what he's missing.
Aventually, I would like to play most if not all the games available
at least once and while doing that, I can help set the TG settings
for that game that Mark or Walter will probably not get around to
doing any time soon. Alot of games, Mark hasn't even played before
and Walter has never even seen! That's where my help would come in.


Steve Krogman


Posted: Tue Feb 02, 1999 12:30 pm
by Randood

As an added note, it would be nice if the TG settings page, Marks
page or whatever the list/page may be, used 'default' to denote
MAME/Cabinet default settings rather than just the name of the game
followed by blank space. Such as what is currently displayed when
you go to the TG site and look up game settings.


By the way I saw your controller setup that you sell! Wow! That's
some cool stuff. I'm trying to make one myself and if it doesn't
work out I may be ordering it.




Posted: Tue Feb 02, 1999 12:30 pm
by stephen krogman
Randood, Good point, I will pass the info to Mark Longridge and see
if he'll consider it for his page. PS Can you believe I've sold
several of my Ultimate Joysticks and forgot to save one for myself?!
You should see the one I'm using now. It looks like a jewlery box
with a joystick and a couple of buttons! :) Steve Krogman
