Olympics (MAME) ideas- solutions

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Aleksandar Lukic

Olympics (MAME) ideas- solutions

Post by Aleksandar Lukic »


I think we should stay close to real Olympics idea. What does it mean?


1. Do we have competitions for continents on Olympics? N-O.
Is interesting (e.g. for me) to be part of Europe 8 or Europe 6 team? No.
"I'm the only one from my country" - so what? Important thing is to take part, not to win, or am I wrong?


We should compete for countries, just like on real Olympics. It isn't decathlon (Snipercade) or "regular tour" on MARP where we have to play all games. Here we take as much as we like, even if we are "lonely" we have chances to get 1 or 2 golden/ silver joysticks :-)


2. Big country problem
This is interesting for players from USA (and maybe Canada). I think that on Olympics we should have TWO LEADERBOARDS (i.e. "medal standings") in paralel, one (the main) for a whole World (including USA of course :-) and another one ONLY for USA (& Canada) just to make the whole competition more interesting for players from such "MAME powerfull" nation(s). You know I mean in that 2nd table we'll have standings for California, Nevada, Texas,...


3. Game Selection
Especially here we should stay close to real Oly. I mean we have exactly determinated disciplines on Olympics. We don't have dartz with left hand (while standing on right foot) and silly hat in Oly program. Voluntered game cordinators are welcomed, but is there any good from volunteers for games which are crap or with point-leeching or "marathoning" danger? N-O-N-E.
(e.g. Q-Bert is great game, but few players just can't finish their "coins" :-)


Solution - team of very experienced players should define 60 or 80 or even 100 THE BEST (and the most suitable) GAMES for M.A.M.E. Olympics. Those games will be put in randomizer before every Oly event (per 1 year/ per 2 yeas/ per 4??) and that's it! End of story!! Dip setting will be "stone written". Important thing is to maintain GENRES PROPORTION among selected games i.e. if shoot-em-ups makes 40% of the whole "MAME empire" then we should have 40% shoot-em-ups in selected games and 8 (of 20) on Olympics. Same reason for platforms, beat-em-ups, racing etc. etc. :-)
After the games selection, the volunteer's time comes!


Any comments on these piece of wisdom ? ;-)


AlexLux, absolute-game-guru for ZX Spectrum
