Time to speak up

Archive of the old message board

Moderator: Chad

Chris Parsley

Time to speak up

Post by Chris Parsley »

As many of you know, I have been silent for awhile, but I have kept informed of what has happened here at MARP.
To cover a couple of points at once...
To the ban (2player/max score) games, I can't see an across the board ban forever, but I can see if it is a straight 2player only that can't be done as a one, or one that is simplier than pie to be able to score max, and only if a baby child could get the max. (deleted, etc. is included in this, games like fax etc are not)


Now, about Stig/Nicola/TGMame
While I will not say anything about my feelings on TGMame (another version to place on my tiny HDD, uggggg) but... anyone using another's name for the purpose of ruining anyone else's actions is completely wrong, and yes, as Judge Judy (Joe Brown, Mills Lane, or Jerry) would say, there is more evidence than not that you are the guilty party, and as such my vote would be to ban you for anywhere in the emulation community, but that can't be done, so a simple ban from MARP would have to suffice. This is unless you can submit proof that it isn't you. (That would be to talk to Nicola, and have him post (with supporting information it is him) that he did the original post. I have checked the IP addresses, and I found something rather suprising... The one that was used for the Nicola post was the same ISP that yours comes from. You should know from a TSP (Technical Support Professional) you couldn't get away with it, but you tried anyways. I don't think Nicola lives near you, so that rules out that possibility, and yes, Nicola knows his own Mame (MAME) rules, and wouldn't quote them incorrectly, as I am looking at a printed copy of them.
So I propose to start a vote of my own (shocking, huh!) to ban/not ban you for MARP for a time of one year, at which time it can be reviewed. Please make all comments for/against here.


I may not speak up much, but I am still around, and will keep informed here.
