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Why is everyone suddenly playing 280-ZZZap?

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 1998 12:30 pm
by BBH
Just curious. Seems strange that a game that had no scores recently got 6 in one day.

And what's up with the scoring system anyway? I haven't played the game (guess I should tho since everyone else is, hehe), but it seems
that everyone has to edit the recording to put the proper score up.
Does the regular upload script not accept non-integer numbers, and if so why does it take them through editing?


And then this brings me to another question... what if MAME supports, let's say a driving game, where the only sort of scoring system is by best times. How are you going to be able to put them in, and how will the script know that lower is better?




They're all trying to get to #1 on the leaderboard?!

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 1998 12:30 pm
by BeeJay
Just a guess but I think everyone is trying to get to #1 on the leaderboard by recording un-recorded games.

As for me, I guess I'm waiting to see how long it takes before I disappear from the top 10..... Actually, I'm taking/will be taking a major break from recording and the computer in general to counteract the side-effects of OOS/RSI/CTS/whatever you want to call it....


Of course, I'll still continue to frequent Mame Action Replay and will probably spend more of my time watching/confirming inp's....




Why everyone's playing 280-zzzap...

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 1998 12:30 pm
by Angry
Well, someone posted a cheesy score on this game (something like 2.16). Since I just can't stand someone sending in a crap score for the points, I took it upon myself to legitimize it, and sent in a 3.68. <p>

Of course, JSW and JoustGod weren't going to let the cheesy score go either, and took it a step further, to 4.04 and 4.00 respectively. I then followed with a 3.96, just to position myself closer to the other scores, and JoustGod followed up with a 4.04 of his own to lock up 2nd place (assuming 4.04 is a perfect game).
