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Lunar Lander (LLANDER) upload weirdness

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 1998 12:30 pm
by Angry
Just an FYI for anyone interested (you to Zwaxy),

The multiple uploads/score changes were due to uploading the wrong file initially (I double-clicked on the INP file I d'loaded by JoustGod).


I then tried changing the score to a lower value, and re-uploading the correct file, but the script errored, as the original filename is NOT changed during a score edit.


I ended up submitting the score as "1326", and changing it down to "1325", you'll notice this when (if) you download the file.


llander cock up

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 1998 12:30 pm
by Zwaxy
Thanks for telling me what was going on.<p>

I've deleted the 1000 point score and renamed the other one so it's
got the right filename now.


Did I do good? Did I? Did I?


I can see a new feature joining the ever-growing TODO list... the ability to delete your recordings...


