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Raiden DX splits

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 9:03 am
by mahlemiut
Raiden DX gives you a choice after inserting a coin for playing "Mission Alpha", "Mission Bravo" and "Mission Charlie". These will need some splits for this game (and clones, not forgetting r2dx_v33 if you can stand it's godawful bootleg quality sound):

Mission Alpha: Single training mission with special bonuses on completion or death (might be possible to continue on to the normal stages, not sure how that works though)
Mission Bravo: Normal stages 1 to 5
Mission Charlie: Normal stages 1 to 8 plus a possible extra level.

Perhaps someone with better knowledge of Raiden DX will be able to give better details.

Re: Raiden DX splits

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 5:31 pm
Yes, Barry. You´re right about the split. I have few points to add about this discussion.

In MISSION ALPLHA,it´s possible to go to MISSION BRAVO,if the player to do a perfect play. In Charlie mode, there´s the secret stage. I don´t know what version, but in Charlie mode, the game loops. Or be, there are 3 different modes with different scores. In Charlie, some versions don´t have the bonuses of enemy destroyed, secrets collecteds and guts.

I really, REALLY love Raiden 2. I´ve discovered some facts about the arcade version that I´ve played in the real machine:

1- I´ve played Raiden 2 (easy version). I´ve scored in 9.979.800, stage 3-7 but the game was set up to the easy difficult. In MAME, it´s totally different. I need to train more to have a decent score.
2 - The Raiden DX machine was r2dx_v33 version.

Since 2002 I was waiting for this. A long time. :cry:

Re: Raiden DX splits

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 7:33 pm
by tar
Innuendo , bravo on your 1.4 million dx replay
have been watching your scores on the original raiden wolf 148 , 149?
maybe it was 150 or 151
anyhow it takes a lot of practice and I have noticed the DX version has a third button (autofire!)
not sure how in the hell you make it look so easy
my hand is tired-
bea99 and kernzy need to get in on this

Re: Raiden DX splits

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 8:02 pm
by kranser
Thanks for the information Innuendo.

My opinion is that we should split for A, B and C modes now (as default MARP split), and then later (once the splits are established and we have example plays) we can discuss (and vote) on how to handle the mode A continuing to mode B [do we stop scoring after A?] and the special secrets and looping in mode Charlie.

Re: Raiden DX splits

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 8:30 pm
by mahlemiut
Interesting, the time bonus is not added to your score... at least not in r2dx_v33.

Also, why is everyone playing r2dx_v33, with it's god-awful bootleg quality music? (Why, Seibu, why?)

Re: Raiden DX splits

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:00 pm
Thank you, Tar. I´m watching your replays too! :)

You´re welcome, guys. I don´t remember the emulator I´ve used... I´m not so good on Raiden 1. I need to train more...

That´s true. The Raiden DX original game has the autofire button. It will be accept on MARP??

Here is a video of mine playing extra stage on Mission Charlie. It was made in ePSXe (playstation emulator). Now, I can´t do nothing. I need to practice again:

Re: Raiden DX splits

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:43 pm
by mahlemiut
INNUENDO wrote:That´s true. The Raiden DX original game has the autofire button. It will be accept on MARP??
It's enabled by default, so yes, same as it is with later Cave games that enable an autofire button by default.

Re: Raiden DX splits

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:50 pm
by Haze
For players who want to show real skill without rapid fire / auto fire there's always the Japan Raiden DX set that lacks it altogether.

Also I look forward to any good replays recorded with the 'raiden2dx' set, that one is an absolute bitch!

Technically the 'bootleg quality' r2dx_v33 sets are probably the most accurately emulated as they have the least protection, although yeah, they're terrible for a vareity of reasons.

Re: Raiden DX splits

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 3:05 pm
by tar
hey , y'all
to keep this simple
basicly for the last few years i have been making recordings and quickly hitting Esc
after the last man. this is o.k. most of the time ,but here for raiden2 there is a bonus awarded after all is said and done. should i add the bonus if so the 291k should be 391k ...
and this new 491k raidendx game should be 1.07 million ...
congratulations to Innuendo for the 3388200 , 3214280
raidendx, r2dx_v33
i learned about the dino , crater , silo
bonus points / much practice needed

Re: Raiden DX splits

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 9:06 pm
by ***PL***
Splits created for now:

raidendx-ma "Raiden DX (UK) [Mission Alpha]"
raidendx-mb "Raiden DX (UK) [Mission Bravo]"
raidendx-mc "Raiden DX (UK) [Mission Charlie]"

r2dx_v33-ma "Raiden II / DX (newer V33 PCB) [Mission Alpha]"
r2dx_v33-mb "Raiden II / DX (newer V33 PCB) [Mission Bravo]"
r2dx_v33-mc "Raiden II / DX (newer V33 PCB) [Mission Charlie]"

Re: Raiden DX splits

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 2:56 pm
by tar
Congatulations!!! to Redstar for his 6.8 mil on raidendx
heck of a game 'til it puttered out near the end . too bad ,should have had 7mil.

Re: Raiden DX splits

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 11:41 am
by Despatche
Apparently Novice/Bravo just ends after you beat it once; thought you could loop it for some reason. Advanced/Charlie loops forever no matter what. Training/Alpha normally ends after beating it as well, but if you destroy 99% of enemies, get every single radar (bonus sol tower-like things), and use no bombs or die, you can then play a loop 2-level Novice. If you fulfill the same conditions in this Novice, you loop into a loop 3-level Advanced. From there, Advanced just loops as it normally does.

I don't think a split for Training itself would be necessary; to start the looping process, you have to play the actual stage well. Fun fact: these special loops are all considered to be Training mode, with Training itself being 1-0, the Novice being 1-1~1-5, and the Advanced being 1-6 to what I assume would be listed as 1-14, after which it would probably start using 2-X.

Re: Raiden DX splits

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 4:37 am
by mahlemiut
Any chance to also split the clones, too?

Code: Select all

    raidendxa1 :        -- : --                   : Raiden DX (Hong Kong, set 1)
    raidendxa2 :        -- : --                   : Raiden DX (Hong Kong, set 2)
    raidendxch :        -- : --                   : Raiden DX (China)
     raidendxg :        -- : --                   : Raiden DX (Germany)
     raidendxj :        -- : --                   : Raiden DX (Japan)
     raidendxk :        -- : --                   : Raiden DX (Korea)
    raidendxnl :        -- : --                   : Raiden DX (Holland)
     raidendxu :        -- : --                   : Raiden DX (US)

Re: Raiden DX splits

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 10:15 pm
by bmclean
Bumping this topic since the clones all have scores now as well, mostly from Mission Bravo being played.