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To my haters

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 11:41 am
by simpsons99
What going on with this message being posting on all the scores that beat me recently. *Don't bother submitting junk on this romset for a cheap leaderboard 1st. You're wasting your time and I will beat any junk score on this game on general principle.*

I see this as a very rude Remark and very unfriendly remark allso.

I have never came to a site and post scores and get treated as rudely/Unfriendly as i do here.

I know the scores can be beaten by someone.

I see 3 different players posting this message now in there high score remarks.. This will not stop me from playing the games. I'm here becouse i enjoy and love playing these classic games.

What is different about the way i'm doing this ? I could play a slot game and get JP Wow first place?
I'm playing these games.

I do not see these as Junk games at all. If you can really beat my scores then do so with pride not this monkeying around thats happening now.

Just play your games .. You do not own these Romsets

Re: To my haters

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 1:18 pm
by Chad
long life to good games, junk or not. Personal bests are always good. Any personal best can be junk to someone and golden to someone else. Just gotta let the trash talk bounce off and have fun.

Re: To my haters

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 2:00 am
by BBH
I'm just gonna copy over a post from this thread as it didn't belong there. (shocker!)
simpsons99 wrote:NO on Matt He is bad for the site and the hobby in General.
I'm bad for this site? Hahaha. I've been an active member of this site since it started, which was 14 years ago. If I was really bad for this site, don't you think people would have voted me out as editor? Or decided against having me be one of the coordinators for the annual Knockout tournament? If people really don't want me around here, maybe they should actually vote in these elections.
He only plays to take Gabs at people. And then makes remarks and players that are not friendly... I see this as a fun friendly site becouse a couple of bad Eggs have really wrecked it for me.
This is easily one of the dumbest things I've ever seen you say (and there have been some doozies). My 14 years of activity at MARP has all been because I like to take "Gabs" at people (I assume you mean jabs)? Come on now. You're just reaching for any reason you can to discredit me. I'm not even sure what else you're trying to say here.
simpsons99 wrote:Just play your games .. You do not own these Romsets
It's funny that you say this, after you made posts at CAG crying about how saulonpb was "going after" your scores, when he was doing LITERALLY the same thing you were - going after unplayed clone romsets. No, nobody "owns" a romset, but do you seriously think your scores are going to last when you upload a score on a clone set that is significantly lower than the top score on the parent romset?

Am I being rude and unfriendly in making this post? Sure! But you called me out so now the gloves are off. I am completely tired of seeing you cry about things, and I know I'm not alone on this one. You are constantly playing the victim card, saying everybody's out to get you. Well, say it often enough and it becomes a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy, because I'm not the only one tired of your whinefests. You've literally driven a couple people off from posting at the CAG forums - people who were fine folks in my book. I don't find THAT to be a very good thing for this hobby, when people get so turned off by your cryfests and your posts littered with basic spelling errors (that you make no effort to ever improve on) that they end up leaving entirely. Yeah, I realize that this is MARP and not CAG, but it's spilling over more and more. And unfortunately I already know that you have no intentions of changing the way you act.

Re: To my haters

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 4:25 am
by simpsons99
Matt you have been rude/unfriendly to me since day 1. To think you would be pissed at me for posting i beat one of your scores. Your Ego is way out of control . To think i tolk pride that i beat one of your scores .

But no you thought i was calling you out. Really i think not.

But this is not about any of that. Sure i don'nt mind if someone beats my scores. I will try and get my scores back. But what i don'nt like is the remarks are not needed and they are Hatefull.

I have never done anything to anyone on this site or any other site for that matter. people just have problems with me .. I just play my games and post my scores .

Why is that a major problem? Why is it different from anyone else doing the samething?

Why am i treated differently on this site ?

I'm really starting to understand why lots of players stopped playing here and posting there scores back in 2004.

Who gives a crap about spelling .. I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sick of hearing about that BS not even funny . This is a site about Scores and recordings .

Please everyone i would like to hear everyones feedback on this..

Thankyou very much everyone for your time

Re: To my haters

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 5:03 am
by DaLar
simpsons99 wrote:Please everyone i would like to hear everyones feedback on this..
I do not think you really want that..!

Your Ego is way out of control . Have a biscuit....*

Re: To my haters

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 5:55 am
by BBH
simpsons99 wrote:Matt you have been rude/unfriendly to me since day 1.
As usual, you have very selective memory. Let me give you a refresher since you think I've been so rude to you since day 1, as you claim. ... topic,3336

This was a thread you created back in January 2011 about the game Zupapa. I posted in it, was not rude to you at all.

Three months later there was the thread you made about Toppy & Rappy: ... c,3580.msg

Maybe you feel I was attacking you because I ended up beating your score, but I wasn't. I did call the game a "dumb game" because I honestly thought it's not a very well-made game. This too was not in any way an attack on you, it was just how I felt about the game.
To think you would be pissed at me for posting i beat one of your scores. Your Ego is way out of control . To think i tolk pride that i beat one of your scores .

But no you thought i was calling you out. Really i think not. ... c,3810.msg

"Hey BBH I beat one of your scores!" isn't a callout? Are you serious? You can't specifically say how happy you are about beating one of my scores and then say it's not a callout. The funny thing I wasn't angry at all about having one of my scores get beaten, people beat my scores all the time. But since you went to the trouble of mentioning me by name, I decided to pick the game back up again and I ended up beating your score back. If you want attention for one of your scores, you might end up also attracting competition, ya know? But again, this wasn't a case of me being angry or having this out of control ego that you claim I have.
I have never done anything to anyone on this site or any other site for that matter. people just have problems with me .. I just play my games and post my scores .
This also is untrue. ... topic,3662

This is a thread in which you practically accused MrBunny here at MARP of using banned techniques on Speed Rumbler all because you couldn't playback the inp. Even after people tried to help you learn how to playback the recording, and showed some screenshots of MrBunny's inp, you then seemed convinced that he was using incorrect settings as well.
I'm really starting to understand why lots of players stopped playing here and posting there scores back in 2004.
It's all my fault, right? :roll:

Re: To my haters

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 7:51 am
by Marco Marocco
Simpson99 hasn't be the only player looking for cheap 1st place, so the better way is to send inps with higher scores and avoid flames.
In my opinion, better a low inp in a real game, then 100 1st places in poker games.

Re: To my haters

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 9:11 am
by Barthax
Don't take it personally. Play, post, improve, post. Can't improve? Move to another game. Once you have a game you can do better than most on, play all clones & take the lot. Nothing unreasonable in that behaviour. Trash-talking happens in some video game communities and if you're used to video game communities that use encouragement, then it can seem unreasonable at first. MARP is a mix of the communities. Don't take it personally.

Re: To my haters

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 2:32 pm
by simpsons99
I would'nt ask if i really did'nt want to know
DaLar i've never done anything to you to get this hatefull words and the other player.
But Matt has a problem with me from other fourm .. I guess he just can'nt let things go and move on .

He has turned the washington group on me.. They don'nt even really know me to make a fair judgement of me as a person. Bad spelling and Grammer must make me a horrable person .
Boy matt you bring up alot of old crap. That really has nothing to do with any of this.

I would rather play a real game then take a cheap 1st place for a slot game.. Just watching the slot go around and around ...

So i don'nt get why some people are getting upset with me?

I like to play the bootlegs and get used to them and move into the main sets . My main goal is to get top 3 scores in all the sets
DaLar wrote:
simpsons99 wrote:Please everyone i would like to hear everyones feedback on this..
I do not think you really want that..!

Your Ego is way out of control . Have a biscuit....*

Re: To my haters

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 7:54 pm
by MJS
BBH: please leave simpsons99 alone
simpsons99: try to improve your scores and submit when you are proud of your play

End of story guys.
Don't make such a big deal out of this, it's childish.

Re: To my haters

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 10:04 pm
by TRB_MetroidTeam
Yes, this kind of behaviour will not be good to no one.

Firstly, it was very good to see you, simpsons99, playing at K9 (despite some little complains, natural). Congrats!

Well, now, just as a suggestion, why not select 5 or 10 games (not similar ones) that you think you're good at, and submit records for them, and ask if your current "rival" (everyone is rival here, :) ) accept to try beat these records. If not, let them there (or improve them). If accept, give a specific time for him beat them. Why not?

Re: To my haters

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 11:54 pm
by BBH
simpsons99 wrote:He has turned the washington group on me.. They don'nt even really know me to make a fair judgement of me as a person. Bad spelling and Grammer must make me a horrable person .
I did what now? How did I turn people in Washington against you when I don't live there and don't really talk to them on a regular basis? It's not like I have to convince anyone, your actions speak for themselves. People come to their own conclusions about you based on how you act, I don't need to do anything to convince them. Stop making things up if you're going to talk shit about me.

Believe it or not, bad spelling and grammar won't make you a "horrable" person but it does reflect very negatively on you when people have a hard time trying to understand what you're saying. And every time people try to urge you to use spellcheck or just learn proper spellings of certain words, you always respond with a "who cares about spelling" response. Why should people even bother to read your posts if you're not going to put any effort into making them readable?
Boy matt you bring up alot of old crap. That really has nothing to do with any of this.
These things have nothing to do with any of this? YOU'RE THE ONE THAT BROUGHT THEM UP. If you're going to make up lies about me, I'm going to respond with the truth, doesn't matter how old it is. (threads that are a year old are really THAT "old"?)

Re: To my haters

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 2:19 am
by BeeJay

To be totally honest your attitude since the day you arrived and started your 1st series of postings has reminded me a lot of the infamous TK2007. I've not made any negative comments to or about you, but I have found the tone of your writing since day one to be the kind of tone that does not go down well with the rest of a community such as Marp. Especially the tone of your responses to the people trying their best to help you get some of the earlier recordings to playback. I'm referring to the tone, not the numerous spelling errors that do indeed make it difficult sometimes to understand what exactly you're trying to say. The combination of your tone, the way you responded to people who were trying to help you, and the difficulty in interpreting what you're trying to say all added together are a big part of the reason behind the responses you get from other users, especially where you try to question someone who is actually trying to help you in a way that irks or annoys them.

I suggest you dust yourself off, harden your skin a little so that you don't feel so offended by every last comment you receive, bide your time before responding to someone in a tone that is likely to raise their heckles, get on with playing the games and submitting scores that you feel proud of, and don't post whining complaints here when someone beats a score of yours the very next day or even a couple of hours later. I've had that happen to me, and done it to others, more times than I can remember. It is just the result of the competitive nature of this gaming community, not a personal attack on you, and the mere fact that someone submits a score can inspire others to try out that game to see if they can beat it.

Spelling is, always has been, and always will be very important in all written communications! This is especially the case when you're posting on a forum read by numerous people for whom English is not their native language. Especially given that a decent browser, such as FireFox/Chrome, will automatically underline any words that are incorrect as you type. It really takes very little time to go back and right-click on those words underlined with red squiggly lines and choose the correct spelling. Doing so will help suggest that you spent time and effort on the wording of your posting, rather than just ranting off the 1st things that came into your head and then not even bothering to check it for readability before clicking the submit button.

Finally, I make these comments not to take a dig at you, but rather to provide you with some polite, considered, well worded and constructive feedback on how your activities to date have appeared to other members of this forum.


Re: To my haters

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 2:24 am
by simpsons99
I was told i was'nt wanted at the Battle of the arcade event .. For the Washington and Or Team .

BeeJay Thankyou for your feedback

Re: To my haters

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 12:20 pm
by Kale
Tarallucci e vino ... :roll: