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Golden Era Game of the Week 5/21/05: Inferno

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 9:42 pm
by Weehawk
Golden Era Game of the Week

See introduction here

The Game: Inferno

romname: inferno

Image(click to see current MARP scores)

Reward: $100 (usd)

Deadline for submission to MARP: May 27, 2005 2359 hours GMT

Further Bounty: none

Another game from one of my favorite manufacturers, Williams' Electronics, which was not widely released.

It's a really cool concept. I love the theme, and the music goes right along with it. Reminds me somewhat of "Chakan, the Forever Man" on the Genesis.

I'd really like to see some action on this one, and things have been pretty slow the last couple of weeks, hence the relatively high bounty.

Sadly, I didn't even get around to working on it enough to settle on a control setup that I like. A custom panel made just for this one would probably help, with the dual diagonal joysticks and all. (And one of then incorporates the fire button.)

Use WolfMAME .96

"On Deck" game: Woodpecker

Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 6:13 am
by destructor
It's hard to play on keyboard on two sticks. I must move with two hand and I don't have third hand for firing. Can I map gun directions and fire button to one button?

gun-left + fire = button1
gun-right + fire = button2
gun-up + fire = button3
gun-left + fire = button4

Other way is made fire button for foot :P or insert match into fire button.

Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 2:50 pm
by Weehawk
destructor wrote:It's hard to play on keyboard on two sticks. I must move with two hand and I don't have third hand for firing. Can I map gun directions and fire button to one button?

gun-left + fire = button1
gun-right + fire = button2
gun-up + fire = button3
gun-left + fire = button4

Other way is made fire button for foot :P or insert match into fire button.
That would certainly be convenient, but would not be legal for MARP submission, so I will not allow it.

Even simple gamepads usually have trigger buttons in front which one uses with one's forefingers while the thumb is on the buttons on top.

I have a Logitech pistol-grip joystick with lots of trigger buttons, but to be honest, I don't really like the "feel" of it.

If you must use the keyboard, the matchstick in the fire button may be your best option. I would consider this legal, because you could do it in the arcade. Where I went to college, the Middle Eastern guys would rig the fire button on Centipede so they could smoke with one hand while they played with the other.

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 9:57 pm
by Weehawk
Sunday's bonus points to Chad

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 1:49 pm
by destructor
I see that Chad tried use leeching on BOOM BIRDS. Is it allowed?

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 2:47 am
by Weehawk
Tuesdays bonus points go to destructor.

And I haven't seen any problem with the few birds the players have killed in the recordings submitted thus far.

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 10:36 pm
by Weehawk
Destructor, still in the lead, gets Thursday's bonus points.

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 9:34 pm
by destructor
What the hard round. I thought that 500k score will be enough for win. Good that I lucky made 690k. My next score is 520k only. Uh.
Good fight Chad.

EDIT. Robert Griffin 707k, but 2 minutes to late, huh. 8O

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 10:05 pm
by Chad
yeah sure you thought that, that's why you uploaded a higher score... :0 good play by robert, many good inferno wave tricks, but i think i know one he doesn't.

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 12:55 am
by Weehawk
2nd: Skito

Destructor gets 1st and 4 bonus points for 14 total.
Skito (Chad) get 2nd and 2 bonus for 9.

Honorable Mention to Robert Griffin, who has the MARP high score now. Sorry Robert, but all I can go by is the time MARP logs the submission, and it has to be before midnight.

People who wait until the last moments to submit take a horrible risk, but many still insist on doing it.


Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 7:37 am
by destructor
And about surprises made by MARP.
What when ztnet is down or something else and MARP is unavailable and I made good score at a few minuts before deadline?

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 11:35 am
by Weehawk
destructor wrote:And about surprises made by MARP.
What when ztnet is down or something else and MARP is unavailable and I made good score at a few minuts before deadline?
We've been through this before and it's getting tiresome.

To repeat myself:

Only serious outages at MARP (like a whole day or more) will possibly be cause for making an exception to the requirement for submitting before the deadline or making the submission to MARP. In such a case I will announce in this forum (if this forum is down check if I choose to extend the deadline or accept submissions through other means.

It has been noted that you do not agree that this is the best policy.

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 2:59 pm
by destructor
Weehawk wrote:Only serious outages at MARP (like a whole day or more)
Yes, one day or more, but what if ztnet MARP will down for example 1/2 hour before deadline and will be available 1 minute after deadline and I made score of my life 15 minuts before deadline?
Weehawk wrote:In such a case I will announce in this forum (if this forum is down check if I choose to extend the deadline or accept submissions through other means.
Better if would be second option for sending scores.

It's my thinking otherwise only. Tournament is your.

Infernal Inferno...

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 3:00 pm
by Robert Griffin
Actually, I wasn't trying to be sneaky and submit my score at the last minute... 8)

I got a score of 566k the night before, and I had planned on uploading it when I got home at 4:30pm PST, thinking that would be fine.

When I went to the MARP site to upload, I saw Destructor (690k) & Skito (587k) had both beat my score :o So, I went "oh crap" :!: , and had to play another game to try and beat the score, which I did...

My gaming computer is not my computer I have hooked to the internet, and my computer I have hooked to the internet doesn't have a floppy drive :?

So, I had to install a CD recording program on my gaming computer, which luckily had a CDRW drive, burn the game onto a CDRW, and transfer that to my internet computer.

By this time it was about 23:56 or so, and try as I may, the file would not upload.

Finally got through too late :cry:

Oh, well...I had fun :!:

Thanks everyone :D

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 5:50 pm
by Weehawk
destructor wrote:...but what if ztnet MARP will down for example 1/2 hour before deadline and will be available 1 minute after deadline and I made score of my life 15 minuts before deadline?
Submission received by MARP before 0:00:00 = eligible for GEGOTW

Submission received by MARP after 23:59:59 = not eligible for GEGOTW