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2004 Final Results

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 4:43 am
by Weehawk
The outcome has been apparent for several weeks now, so no suspense or drama, but the top three players in the cumulative totals are:

1st: Ian Sutton with 148 total points
Ian took 1st on Journey, Black Widow, Slither, Hot Shocker, Krull, Venture, Star Trek, Birdie King, Swimmer, Guzzler, and Stargate.

2nd on Crazy Climber, Congo Bongo, Spy Hunter, and Gravitar

3rd on King and Balloon, and Bullfight
2nd: Don Hayes with 110 total points
Don took 1st on Joust, Star Castle, Q-bert, Asteroids Deluxe, and Crystal Castles.

2nd on Gorf, Spiders, Hot Shocker, Venture, and Star Trek

3rd on Elevator Action, Timber, Krull, Birdie King, and Swimmer
3rd: SJK with 91 total points
Steve took 1st on Cloud 9, Wacko, Zektor, and Turkey Shoot

2nd on Asteroids Deluxe. Alpine Ski, and Sinistar

3rd on Journey, Crazy Climber, Demon, Slither, Spy Hunter, and Venture
Thanks to everybody who participated. I had a great time.

Some unfinished business:

Cameron Feltner never got back to me with a Paypal email address.

Don gave me what he thought was Jason Cram's Paypal email address, but Jason never verified.

"JBS" still needs to contact me and will have to verify his identity somehow since he did not notify me before he submitted his winning Gravitar score.

And of course I still owe Des some money because Paypal hasn't got the news yet about the Iron Curtain being torn down. Everyone in Poland (and elsewhere) should email Paypal and complain.

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 5:16 pm
by Ian Sutton
Props to you John for a great tourney. =D> There were a few clunkers, but most of the games were great and I enjoyed playing them.

While I'm here I just thought I'd say merry Christmas all and have a happy new year!

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 1:27 am
by dbh
Many thanks to John for coordinating this event. And congrats to Ian on some incredible and amazing scores!

John, I saw Jason a couple weekends ago. He did realize that he hadn't contacted you and he was thinking it might be too late. I will let him know that he can still get in touch with you.

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 6:09 am
by destructor
Congrats to Ian Sutton.
Thanks to John. GEGOTW was excellent idea.