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Re: K7 - Round 3 - Don't Pull + Magical Drop III (bios japan 3)

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 7:00 pm
by mahlemiut
verty wrote:My Chase HQ demo still has problems when played back with frameskip 0 (which I'll always use from now on just in case), so it is more substantial than just that.

Don't pull = Sokoban + Dig Dug
Nah, it's more Pengo without the wall-humping. ;)
Why couldn't we be playing Nyan Nyan Panic instead? Similar game, but way more fun to play. :)

Re: K7 - Round 3 - Don't Pull + Magical Drop III (bios japan 3)

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 7:09 pm
by The_Pro
Can't playback the scoring bug inp:

Fatal error: Failed to open file for playback (src/emu/inptport.c:3606)

I gather w125 is for wolf125 but what's the 13m?

Re: K7 - Round 3 - Don't Pull + Magical Drop III (bios japan 3)

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 7:13 pm
by verty
mahlemiut wrote:
verty wrote:My Chase HQ demo still has problems when played back with frameskip 0 (which I'll always use from now on just in case), so it is more substantial than just that.

Don't pull = Sokoban + Dig Dug
Nah, it's more Pengo without the wall-humping. ;)
Why couldn't we be playing Nyan Nyan Panic instead? Similar game, but way more fun to play. :)
That's fair, I thought the block pushing would be more puzzle-like. The AI seems pretty well designed, the blobs are like pacman ghosts but slightly different, and the dragons appear to move quite strategically. I'm struggling to get a decent score.

Re: K7 - Round 3 - Chase H. Q. + Magical Drop III (bios japan 3)

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 7:23 pm
destructor wrote:Interesting how Aaron Pieper did first 1mln on first three stages in magdrop.
900.000 is possible after stage 1.

Re: K7 - Round 3 - Chase H. Q. + Magical Drop III (bios japan 3)

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 7:26 pm
by mahlemiut
GHEMANT wrote:900.000 is possible after stage 1.
Big-ass chain, presumably.

Re: K7 - Round 3 - Don't Pull + Magical Drop III (bios japan 3)

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:12 am
by RAX
Thank You very much Sawys for having shared that ChaseHQ inp of yours, very strange things happen there indeed.
It appears that the last hit you give to 1st opponent is counted 24 times instead of 1, and it shouldn't even be the last hit, since the damage bar is not completed yet. :?
In that moment it's showed 10K bonus, but score increases by 100K steps 24 times. Very strange thing. And second car is destroyed with 4 hit-bars missing, and hitting nothing 8O
It seems to me no wrong things happen with enemies 3-4-5.
As You say it really seems a casual error, but having an input file we can see if it's reproducible. Gamest's 30Mil are far, anyway

Very intresting the link submitted by Vertex Dan too, it appears to exist some obscure combinations (like Bubble Bobble's PowerUp) to boost some aspects of the game. =P~
Not succeeded in applying them yet, but working on that ;)

Thanks to both of You guys =D>

Re: K7 - Round 3 - Don't Pull + Magical Drop III (bios japan 3)

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 6:31 pm
by sawys
The_Pro wrote:Can't playback the scoring bug inp:

Fatal error: Failed to open file for playback (src/emu/inptport.c:3606)

I gather w125 is for wolf125 but what's the 13m?
13m is the lenght. 13 minutes ;-)

With wolf 125, you must place the inp file in the folder of the same name.

Re: K7 - Round 3 - Don't Pull + Magical Drop III (bios japan 3)

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 6:50 pm
by The_Pro
I did put it there, but anyway doesn't matter, RAX explained what the bug was.

Re: K7 - Round 3 - Don't Pull + Magical Drop III (bios japan 3)

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 6:56 am
by sawys
The_Pro wrote:I did put it there, but anyway doesn't matter, RAX explained what the bug was.

But if you use the command line, you must write the name of the inp entirely. If you don't put the extension .inp, then it will show the text you wrote.
Or maybe that you must rename the .inp without extension, it depends of the version you use.

Re: K7 - Round 3 - Don't Pull + Magical Drop III (bios japan 3)

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 7:54 am
by mahlemiut
Yes, for whatever reason, from 0.107, MAMEdev decided that INP files don't need extensions. It'll use whatever file you tell it to, and will not add .inp for you. Go figure.

Re: K7 - Round 3 - Don't Pull + Magical Drop III (bios japan 3)

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 10:22 am
by verty
I've been unable to access marp today, the server seems to be down (some DNS problem). Therefore, I'm posting my latest INP here.

wonder3 - 1364640

Re: K7 - Round 3 - Don't Pull + Magical Drop III (bios japan 3)

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 9:26 pm
by Phil Lamat
I don't know if it can help, but I've found on my old PC a 20M input made on survival, with a technic which seems to be used on the 3 modes.
I've managed to playback it with m37b5

Re: K7 - Round 3 - Don't Pull + Magical Drop III (bios japan 3)

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 11:29 pm
by The_Pro
Time bonus is such a bitch on magical drop 3. Sometimes you lose points because your combo was longer than it needed to be on the early levels and other times you get a huge bonus for no reason. See attached inp for 90250 point bonus on stage 6, pure luck. I know the high scores probably come from huge combos but I did a pretty big one and only got around 10-20K for it, must have to be constantly pulling down rows.

Re: K7 - Round 3 - Don't Pull + Magical Drop III (bios japan 3)

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 12:28 am
by mahlemiut
You need to do about a 15-reaction or so to get 100k. Anything less is not really worth the trouble. I think 17 or 18 will give you 250k. Only Aaron Pieper's replay gets long chains in Challenge Mode. As far as I am aware, the others are all pure time bonuses.

Re: K7 - Round 3 - Don't Pull + Magical Drop III (bios japan 3)

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 3:38 am
22 reactions = 450.000. In each round yuo can made 2 x 22 reactions (900.000 pts total). Time bonus is good but with this method is possible obtained max 550.000.