Earliest possible compiled version of Wolfmame for Linux

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Earliest possible compiled version of Wolfmame for Linux

Post by francoisadt1 »


Question1: Version of Wolfmame Linux possible
What are the earliest version of Wolfmame that can be compiled for Linux, for 32bit linux and for 64 bit linux VMs?

Question2: a Linux Wolfmame 106 possible?
Can one compile a wolfmame 106 that can run on Wolfmame?

Question3: Earlier source code Linux compile setup?
On this thread "Request Linux Binaries"
It is mentioned to compile a Linux binary one needs "you'll need GCC 5.x or 6.x, or Clang 3.4 or later (other compilers might work if they support C++14). Only external libraries needed are OpenGL, Qt5, SDL2, and SDL2_ttf"

Dependancy list :
GCC 5 or 6

So one install GCC and all of these development tool packages, then one need to try compile various versions of MAME source code untill you find one that works? Which versions have you be able to compile and do the earlier versions have a different depedancy / requirements list? Any scripts that you do have to ease the compilation and setup?

Question 4: Linux compilation on Windows possible?
Can one compile the source code on windows platform creating a Linux binary for 32 and/or 63-bit?
Can one compile to an intermediate execute-able code on Windows and only then to final EXE linking on a Linux VM?

Question 5: Minimal setup to run Linux Wolfmame?
How much RAM needed to be performance keeping recording .INP at the correct speed 60FPS?

Francois du Toit

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Re: Earliest possible compiled version of Wolfmame for Linux

Post by mahlemiut »

francoisadt1 wrote:Hi

Question1: Version of Wolfmame Linux possible
What are the earliest version of Wolfmame that can be compiled for Linux, for 32bit linux and for 64 bit linux VMs?
Any version since the SDL target was added should work with the same source as for Windows. I forget when that happened though, somewhere around 0.115?
francoisadt1 wrote:Question2: a Linux Wolfmame 106 possible?
Can one compile a wolfmame 106 that can run on Wolfmame?
No, but a 32-bit version based on X-MAME 0.106 is available. Some various older versions as far back as 0.80 are there too. http://wolfmame.marpirc.net/
francoisadt1 wrote:Question3: Earlier source code Linux compile setup?
On this thread "Request Linux Binaries"
It is mentioned to compile a Linux binary one needs "you'll need GCC 5.x or 6.x, or Clang 3.4 or later (other compilers might work if they support C++14). Only external libraries needed are OpenGL, Qt5, SDL2, and SDL2_ttf"

Dependancy list :
GCC 5 or 6
You can drop the Qt dependancy if you build with USE_QTDEBUG=0, this will exclude the Qt debugger (the ImGui debugger will still be available though). If you don't use the debugger, then this might be of use.
Of course, there will be also older versions which expect SDL 1.2 and Qt 4.6.
francoisadt1 wrote:So one install GCC and all of these development tool packages, then one need to try compile various versions of MAME source code untill you find one that works? Which versions have you be able to compile and do the earlier versions have a different depedancy / requirements list? Any scripts that you do have to ease the compilation and setup?
Pretty much, but the build process will require python and pkg-config, also. They aren't needed just for running MAME, though.
francoisadt1 wrote:Question 4: Linux compilation on Windows possible?
Can one compile the source code on windows platform creating a Linux binary for 32 and/or 63-bit?
Can one compile to an intermediate execute-able code on Windows and only then to final EXE linking on a Linux VM?
It should be entirely possible to build a Linux cross-compiler than runs on Windows, but it is a bit of an involved process, requiring you to build GCC entirely. There could well be some binaries out there, though, if you're willing to search for it.
francoisadt1 wrote:Question 5: Minimal setup to run Linux Wolfmame?
How much RAM needed to be performance keeping recording .INP at the correct speed 60FPS?
Shouldn't be much, just enough to compress the INP data on the fly.
- Barry Rodewald
MARP Assistant Web Maintainer
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Re: Earliest possible compiled version of Wolfmame for Linux

Post by francoisadt1 »

Hi Barry

Is the .INP file generated/recorded by a Linux compiled Wolfmame version fully compatible with same Wolfmame version of windows?

So if I compile a wolfmame 0.115 on Linux then the .INP would be exactly the same as if I would have play and record the game play on Windows platform?

The reason I am asking is that I want to play and record the game using the Linux binary within a VM and then submit the .INP/WLF that was recorded
for record purposes on MARP and TG -

If this is true then gamers running Linux OS can use Linux-based Wolfmame instead of forcing to use Windows platform to submit .INP/.WLF on MARP and TG.

Francois du Toit
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Re: Earliest possible compiled version of Wolfmame for Linux

Post by mahlemiut »

In general, yes. But a few drivers do have playback issues between 32-bit and 64-bit systems. These are bugs in the specific driver, but can sometimes be tricky to fix.

This is pretty much what I do also, and if playback fails, I can double-check in a Windows version, which runs well via Wine.
- Barry Rodewald
MARP Assistant Web Maintainer
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