A few things

Archive of the old message board

Moderator: Chad


A few things

Post by JSW »

First of all, yes I did send those nominations, and they should be taken in all seriousness. It's about time MARP has some new people in charge, the same old names were getting bandied about- and how is that supposed to change anything? Hisa has a vast knowledge of video games and would make an ideal rules coordinator, sure there would be some translation problems... but I'm sure you'll all agree that he does get his point across in the end :) Stig has contributed a great deal to the emu scene in general, and while we may have had our share of run ins in the past, I believe he would make a good tourney coordinator. As for the KOA coordinators, Phil has been a long time MARPer and seems fair these days- Richy Cream is new so he wouldn't come into the position with any unjust preconceptions about anyone, and Vaz came up with the original idea for a knockout tourney before Parsley went ahead and stuffed it up, so he should have some say in the next one.<p>

Secondly, I don't know who has been sending those juvenile posts but it hasn't been me. Maybe those who are quick to accuse just because the originating ip is Australian should realise that while our country isn't as big as the almighty U S of A, there is something like 10 million Australian online users. Maybe, just maybe it could've been one of the other 9,999,999 people. Now there's a thought.


Lastly, I'll be away from MARP for a while but hope to return for the Olympiad. See you all then.




