MK 25,405,000 & Rules Change Suggestion to allow Reptile

Discussion about MARP's regulation play

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MK 25,405,000 & Rules Change Suggestion to allow Reptile

Post by Manfredini-RS »

Hi all, i did a new mk Record of 25,405,000 fighting reptile. I attached the INP here so you all can analyse it.

I also made a complete youtube video from the INP Here:

New (20/03/2014): Scorpion 26,022,000
4 Rounds each fight: 1 Draw with Max Points, 1 Leech with Max Points, 2 Flawless with near Max Points each

INP File:
(Could not attach here due to Board Quota Limit)
Use Wolf Mame 112 Windows console to playback.

The recording contains the following:
10 Games of 4 figths each to enable Reptile (Reptile is enabled after 40 Rounds). I did 10x4 because its faster to finish the rounds this way.
The recording starts from the beginning with no NVRAM, wich means default factory settings. The 11th Game contains the actual Game Play wich i did 25,405,000.

I propose (Suggest) the following mk rule changes:

If there is more games played in the same INP, only the last one will be considered as long as you do not touch the machine settings between the games and the last game must be started from the absolute beginning (so is not allowed to start a game continuing from a previous game, wich means that won't be allowed to continue from a 2 player vs. match, wich would enable the possibility of increasing the value for the bonus rounds by starting on the steel and then breaking Ruby and Diamond if you already broken wood and stone during the vs. Matches).

This simple rule may be enough so people can enable reptile by fighting 40 rounds before the actual game play, starting from the beginning each time.

I think this is fair and legitimate and also a good ideia because of the following:

- Despite having more games in the same INP, it still should be considered one attempt per INP, because the previous games has only the purpose of enabling reptile.
- A record containing reptile is much more difficult to achieve because if you fail you need to start all over, including the 40 figths before the new attempt. So, the extra score is pretty well deserved.
- The INP is still played without NVRAM, with default factory settings, so it will still be in agreement with MARP Rules.
- It is not considered cheating or leeching or unfair strategy because reptile is part of the score system of Mortal Kombat.
- TG World Records allow playing reptile, so i think MARP records should also allow it so a MARP mk world record should be as respected as a TG mk World Record.
- Current mk Rules is obsolete. It says you should use Mame 62 due to bugs with replays on later versions...

I am only suggesting these changes. If anyone has a different opinion, let's discuss here.

Thank You All !.

Fabio Manfredini
Last edited by Manfredini-RS on Sat Mar 22, 2014 10:12 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: MK 25,405,000 & Rules Change Suggestion to allow Reptile

Post by RAX »

I agree with this proposal.
Given that this particular thing is very unusual for MARP, I suggest to put this on parent romset only. Many games' rules are discussed for particular scoring options (in these days too), and in these cases we usually make the "strange things" valid for parent only, so MARP overall point of view is mantained
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Re: MK 25,405,000 & Rules Change Suggestion to allow Reptile

Post by Krj »

Agree with you :D
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Re: MK 25,405,000 & Rules Change Suggestion to allow Reptile

Post by MJS »

Did you try making a save state after Reptile has been enabled and use that as initial state for recording? (add -state xxx to the command line).

I would try that (both recording and playback) and if it works propose a rule change to allow the use of that predefined save state, so that you wouldn't need to "setup Reptile" each time, and make sure everyone plays under the same conditions.
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Re: MK 25,405,000 & Rules Change Suggestion to allow Reptile

Post by RAX »

I don't know if this "record from savestate" thing works, but I don't like it very much. It would involve a particular (and alone) Wolf version to work, and would be a second first_time_exception.
If the 40 rounds won thing is true, it should not be a problem for a player skilled enough to run for a All Double Flawless to perform it.
The only thing I'd ask for is a good comment for confirmers, writing the approximate framecount where the scoring attempt starts.
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Re: MK 25,405,000 & Rules Change Suggestion to allow Reptile

Post by Manfredini-RS »

New World Record !!
Scorpion 26,022,000
4 Rounds each fight: 1 Draw with Max Points, 1 Leech with Max Points, 2 Flawless with near Max Points each
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Re: MK 25,405,000 & Rules Change Suggestion to allow Reptile

Post by amarauma »

The score is not to be do in default setings in a fresh game whithout nvram?
For me this is how snes MK: loosing some rounds to have two reptiles;
I think all games must have 3 categories:

Default free; default settings and any way to achieve more points.
Default Ruled; default settings and no trick of any type is alowed.
Ruled; an especific settings and no tricks alowed.

Only this way the score board will be fair.
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