
Discussion about MARP's regulation play

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Post by LN2 »

How are people playing mach3? I see an uploaded score for it today.

The current versions of mame can't play this game yet. I think there is some special emulator thing for laser disc games but that isn't "mame" so shouldn't be allowed as an official game for MARP points should it?

Just wondering...
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Post by mahlemiut »

I would assume that it is playable, just without the backgrounds from the laserdisc.

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Post by BBH »

MACH3 is pretty much unplayable, I remember JoustGod proving a while back that if you pick one game mode you can basically get a ridiculous score doing absolutely nothing but pushing buttons until you get bored

This game should really be archived
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Post by LN2 »

I checked at where they list the status of each rom set etc. and they list it as nonworking because parts of the gameplay data other than the background movie are also on the laserdisc.

I find the info on rom sets at that site an amazing resource.

The mame romset for mach3 has just the program to run the game, not any of the data.

All mach3 rom sets I have come across won't run.

Given the recent discussion about nonworking games or games that aren't properly emulated mach3 would have to fall under that category IMHO as well as any other laser disc based game at this time. Perhaps some future version of mame can support this type of game though. It would be cool...but a pain to get the movies.

I wonder if some have found a way to patch the rom set for mame to add that game data to the rom set so they can play it. It would be nice just to know how they got it to play...even if no background video.

either way I think it's a game that shouldn't count for MARP points since it requires manual hacking of the rom set or playing with an application that goes beyond the current versions of mame.

I remember finishing that game in the arcades and even finding a way to make the laserdisc skip so I could loop the last minute or so of the "flight" and reach really high scores...hehe of course MARP wouldn't allow that. hehe

it's amazing more of the laser disc games weren't made because they were so popular for that year many were made then you never saw them again. They were starting to develop adventure type laser disc based games as well that had many options for what you could do that would result in different outcomes. Space Ace had 2 choices in many scenes...and many in the final with the different times you could energize...but I mean for example there was one(forget the name) that was something like phantasm castle where you are going through a castle fighting enemies and picking up items and talking to others etc.
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Post by ***PL*** »

It's hard to believe it was 3 years ago I was faced with a similar dilemma. 8O To play or not to play these LD games in our very first MARP Tournament T1. (BTW, T6 anyone) :?:

Hmmm, in retrospect, I believe this was the toughest decision I've had to make. :? After agonizing about what to do, I decided to allow everyone to compete against each other in US vs. THEM. A highly controversial game which looks like crap without the Laser Disk backgrounds, but is *very* playable! Just look at what BeeJay accomplished. One of 2 players to make it to level 5, even though at that point the game gets buggy and he was flying by the seat of his pants! Kudos!

Lessons learned:
  • A game doesn't have to be perfect to make it playable, just enough so
    It is an equal playing field out there and everyone has the same challenges
    Every competitor in T1 eventually beat all prior existing scores.
    If I had scratched this game from T1 and furthermore archived it, we would never have seen these great performances
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Post by LN2 »

Again, how are they playing mach3 though? I have tried it and it totally fails to even start up.

At the site mentioned, they state you actually need some gamedata off the laserdisc to play mach3.

Evidently a few guys have managed to get this or something. It isn't in the ROM set though.

The game fails to run at all with just the ROM set as
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Post by ***PL*** »

For me it worked just fine, I was able to play a complete game! You need to double check your romset and MAME versions. My file contains 14 files -- total compressed size is 434K and I used MAME32 0.61 to play it.
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Post by The TJT »

LN2 wrote:Again, how are they playing mach3 though? I have tried it and it totally fails to even start up.

At the site mentioned, they state you actually need some gamedata off the laserdisc to play mach3.

Evidently a few guys have managed to get this or something. It isn't in the ROM set though.

The game fails to run at all with just the ROM set as

There lies the lair of Laserdisc game emulator, Daphne. You need to have the laserdisk content though...that you can get from need to buy the DVD-ROM and run a program that changes it to daphne-format. Do not buy the cd-roms, they suck more than 10 Lewinskys.

Mach3 laserdisk images are not emulated though, so you'll have to play it without seeing enemies or scenery. I believe usvsthem has enemy images not stored in laserdisk, which makes it playable even without laserdisk content. At mach 3 you can hit the enemy bullets, but it's really just case of good luck really, so mach3 is not really playable, until Daphne or alike emulatés the laserdisk content.

Maybe it's possible to play dlair with only the roms and without laserdisk images, but it would be very hard, since you wouldn't see anything but black screen during the game :)
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Post by LN2 »

yes, I'm aware of Daphne. Even if I could play with that it wouldn't be allowed at I'm on a mac so can't use daphne anyway.

Ok, I just tried mach3(443,974 bytes) in 0.60 and 0.56 and in both it has the slash thing through the listed in the gameset showing it's not working so I can't even attempt to launch it.

I use macmame though so perhaps some of the windows versions of mame haven't flagged that as a nonworking rom set so you can play it as is...which I agree overall sucks.

My initial point though was why is this game not "archived"? It seems the high scores are allowed for it. Given several here in this thread claim it is pretty much unplayable, why not archive it?

I don't mind not being able to play it...but it sucks to see scores of it uploaded and earning MARP points etc. when those scores actually suck versus what you could get in the real arcade game. It seems pointless to allow that as a "scoring" game for MARP at this time.
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