Mortal Kombat II and later scoring discussion

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Mortal Kombat II and later scoring discussion

Post by gameboy9 »

I looked at Alpha's mk2 hack description and thought - yeah... maybe there should be a bonus with fatalities and such... probably to the fact that we're still in the area of getting a number of ties... so let me do some metacognition for a second...

In the original Mortal Kombat, you got a time bonus (1000 pts / second left) and a strength bonus. We really can't measure strength accuratly, so we can only think about the 200,000 point flawless victory bonus, and the 500,000 point double flawless victory bonus. Combos weren't recorded in the original MK, but are in MK3 etc. It's a bit tedious to record such things, so I won't include those in this discussion. There was a 100,000 point bonus when it came to fatalities, so I think I can adjust to this propsal here, and I think there should be further bonuses for those where you can't block. Finally, I think only losing one point for losing a round is a bit low in regards to leaderboard scoring, and especially if we're going to change the scoring system...

So let me discuss these possibilities:

1) 10 pts for winning (to account for strength and time left), -5 pts for losing. +5 pts bonus for fataility, +8 pts for friendship/babality(don't know about babality, but I know friendship you can't block, so I think there should be a bonus), +10 pts for animality (not only can you not block, but you have to cast mercy first) +10 pts for a flawless victory, +25 pts for a double flawless victory.

2) 25 pts for winning (to account for strength), -50 pts for losing, 1 pt for each second left on clock, +50 pts bonus for fatality, +75 pts for friendship/babality, +100 pts for animality, +100 pts for a flawless victory, +250 pts for a double flawless.

I don't know, I'm just offering up an idea - what do you all think should happen?
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Post by Alpha »

10 pts for winning (to account for strength and time left), -5 pts for losing. +5 pts bonus for fataility, +8 pts for friendship/babality(don't know about babality, but I know friendship you can't block, so I think there should be a bonus), +10 pts for animality (not only can you not block, but you have to cast mercy first) +10 pts for a flawless victory, +25 pts for a double flawless victory.
I like this idea. But I would change a few things. +8pts for babality and friendship is good in (u)mk3, because you can not use block. But in mk2 you can not use punch, so it's not diffucult to perform a babality or friendship every time in mk2. So I'd only use the +8 in mk3 and stick with +5 in mk2. Another thing I would change is the +10 for performing an animality (only (u)mk3). You are allowed to use block to do an animality. But you can only perform an animality in the 3th round (after the mercy move). So you lose a round (-5) but get +10 for the animality. So this would give the same score as winning in 2 rounds and performing a regular fatality. I'm not sure what's is the best performance between these 2, but they give the same result. And what about this (I'm making this complex now): 3th round + mercy move + friendship. Not using block in the 3th round is risky and should give more points. So maybe the mercy move and the ending afterwards should each get points. Pfew ... I'm gonna give this a thougth ... :?
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